
Check out @KitaConnect’s Latest Program!

Young Educators Challenge (YEC) 2024 is a national competition that challenges youths to design and create content that makes learning more efficient, effective, and enjoyable. This year’s theme is Lights, Cameras, SDGs to raise awareness and inspire action for a Sustainable Development Goal in Malaysia!

Explore the key themes of @KitaConnect

Building mental health resilience and psychosocial wellbeing

Acquire skills to become agile learners

Opportunity to become drivers of change

Creating an ecosystem of support between young people, facilitating the spread of positive messages, and creating opportunities for young people to engage with mental health experts!

Emotional Management

Managing emotional reactions means choosing how and when to express the emotions we feel. Explore more!

Creative Expression

Use our minds and imaginations to create something that represents ourselves. Explore more!

Recent posts

Supporting young people with developing their life skills and knowledge on topics such as child rights, SDGs, climate action and other relevant issues that matter to them.


Assess life goals and values, while building skills and qualities to reach your full potential. Explore more!


Communicate effectively by making clear, concise, and persuasive points. Explore more!

Recent posts

Creating safe spaces for young people to form and voice their opinions, building their confidence, decision-making and advocacy skills, and enabling them to innovate and implement solutions within their societies.

Unity and Diversity

Form positive bonds and common purposes that reflect the essence of Malaysian society. Explore more!

Children’s Right

Children are entitled to basic human rights to ensure their well-being and growth. Explore more!

Global Citizenship

Global citizenship helps young people build their own understanding of world events, think about their values and what’s important to them. Explore more!

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