
The Young Educators Challenge (YEC) 2024 is calling all 13-24 youth in Malaysia to transform learning by taking a larger role in their learning experience!

A national competition that challenges youths to design and create content that makes learning more efficient, effective, and enjoyable.

Competition theme




Capturing Global Goals in 1-minute

Be a part of YEC 2024!

Young Educators have to create two short videos to raise awareness and inspire action for a Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) in Malaysia and suggest ways to make a difference.

Whether it's combating climate change, promoting quality education, or advocating for gender equality, achieving all 17 goals and 169 targets set by the United Nations (UN) is no small feat and requires everyone to collaborate, especially youths - our Young Educators! For the first time, YEC unites youth across Malaysia to inspire and educate on the SDGs: Our universal call to action to build a brighter future.

Competition Timeline

Note: All dates subject to change by the organizers.

Submit Your Video in 3 Easy Steps!

Young Educators pick one Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) to focus on.

Young Educators teach and explain the SDG with fun and easy-to-understand lessons.

Young Educators suggest ways to take action towards the chosen SDG.

Competition Categories

Category A: Secondary

(13 - 18 years old)​

Category B: Post - Secondary

(19 - 24 years old)

Participant Eligibility

Competition Prizes

Don’t miss out on the chance to apply for YEC 2024!

Deadline to register: 30th June 2024, 11:59PM

Get to know UN SDGs

The UN's Sustainable Development Goals are like a big plan to make the world a happier, healthier, and safer place for everyone, and working towards them means we all get to live in a better world together.

YEC at a glance

Learn more about YEC and past learning innovations!

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