
@KitaConnect Forum 2024

The @KitaConnect Forum was a one-day culmination event that features the outcomes, learnings, and achievements of young people.

The Forum will facilitate learning, stimulate dialogue, and showcase accomplishments with various stakeholders, led by young people, to spotlight their agency to facilitate impact and lead change.
Youth - Led Dialogues
A space for youth & stakeholders to discuss pressing issues, amplify young voices and collaborate.
Spotlighting agency & leading change
A showcase of young people’s collective advocacy surrounding the Global Goals in Malaysia.
Multi-Sector Organisation Collaborations
Sharing on skill development & unique social causes to get meaningfully involved in.

Forum Highlights

Discover Your Cause

Meet & connect with organisations working on different social causes.

The Young Educators Challenge Finals 2024

The national competition finale where finalists present their ideas on meaningful youth-adult partnerships to achieve advocated goals.

Youth Experience Sharing

Dialogues led by young people sharing the outcomes, learnings and achievements throughout @KitaConnect.

Award Ceremony

Celebrate the achievements of our YEC winners and reflect on the key takeaways and highlights of the KitaConnect Program 2023 - 2024

How Do We Build Meaningful Youth-Adult Partnerships?

At the Forum, attendees made up of students, educators and senior leaders were invited to share their inputs and experiences on what it means to build a future where young voices are valued in decision-making.
Fill up a pledge card on one personal action to take to support the goal.
Voting on the most resonating sentiments produced from 2023’s Young People’s Voice Roundtable
Leaving suggestions on how we can foster better partnerships
Overall, young people seek an equitable partnership with adults, built on mutual respect, trust, and active listening.
This would look like:
  • The partnership feels equal, not dominated by one side.

  • Both parties attentively listen to each other’s ideas and concerns.

  • Adults and youths value each other's opinions without judgment

  • A supportive environment where everyone’s voice is heard and valued

  • Adults show confidence in young people’s abilities and contributions

Event Gallery

Click on the gallery items to view more pictures from the event!
Event Photo Gallery

Re-live the Experience through Takeovers

Join in on the event through our youth takeover with Alia and Felicia on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!

Interested in being a @KitaConnect Champion?

Send an email to [email protected] to sign up and learn more! You can also head over to our Discord server to see them in action, as well as to join the wider @KitaConnect community!
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