
This year, Young Educators have wow-ed us with more than 270 video entries across the country. They have created videos to raise awareness and inspire action for a Sustainable Development Goal in Malaysia, also suggesting ways to make a difference. Right here, we feature some of the creative and innovative highlights!

YEC 2024 in Numbers

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YEC x Unicef Illustrations-15


Learning Institutions

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable world for all. The SDGs were formulated by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015. It comprises of 17 goals and 169 specific targets that encompass objectives to eradicate poverty, protect the Earth from destruction, and ensure global peace and prosperity. Malaysia is also among the countries that have signed and agreed to achieve the SDGs.

Check out what the Young Educators are sharing on each goal!

SDG 1 - No Poverty

End poverty in all its forms everywhere

Participant Name: James Velanggani S/O Christopher
Institution: SMK Seri Bali
Category: Secondary
Video Description:

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG): No Poverty defines poverty as a condition characterized by severe deprivation of basic human needs, improving food, water, sanitation, shelter, healthcare, education, and employment. People living in poverty are often unable to meet their basic needs and are at risk of disease, malnutrition, and violence. The No Poverty Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) aims to eradicate extreme poverty by 2030, which is defined as living on less than $1.90 per day.

Participant Name: See Rui Ping & Team
Institution: Sunway College
Category: Post - Secondary
Video Description:

Raise awareness on poverty in Malaysia so that more people can get to know more about the issue and learn about the impacts on Malaysia’s citizens’ health, quality in life and education.

Participant Name: Chloe Teoh Sze Jenh & Team
Institution: SMK (P) Pudu
Category: Secondary
Video Description:

My teammates and I try to spread the message of stopping poverty by talking about the percentage of Malaysians suffering poverty and how much it the percentage has grown over the years. We also talk about the cause of the major increase in poverty rate, which is the COVID19 pandemic we had faced few years back and also the high cost of living in this economy. We try to deliver the message that not everyone is as lucky as us, as we are living every second, the poverty rate continues to grow and it comes down to the poverty having no food or good and safe shelter to live with. At the end, we encourage people to try to have a change in attitude.

End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture

Participant Name: Khoo Lee Hui & Team
Institution: SMK Puchong Utama (1)
Category: Secondary
Video Description:

Our video provides an in-depth exploration of SDG Goal 2: Zero Hunger, with a focus on raising awareness among Malaysians about this critical issue. We discuss about the factors contributing to the food crisis in Malaysia and offer practical solutions for individuals to help overcome these challenges. By highlighting the importance of food security and sharing actionable steps, our video aims to inspire positive change and greater involvement in achieving Zero Hunger in Malaysia.

Participant Name: Muhammad Faiz Bin Johari
Institution: SMK Seri Lalang
Category: Secondary
Video Description:

Video yang menjelaskan sesuatu perkara yang memberi kesedaran kepada semua orang .

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

Participant Name: Bahi Wafiah Binti Arulhaizal
Institution: SMK Subang
Category: Secondary
Video Description:

My video introduces the audience to the SDG number 2: good health and well being by bringing awareness of the current health worries growing in the community especially the younger generation. By giving a sense of self conscious to someone, this allows them to realise how important it is to prioritise their health.

Participant Name: Muhammad Darwisy Bin Zaidi & Team
Institution: SMK Seri Lalang
Category: Secondary
Video Description:

This video tells about sustainable development goals 3 Good health and well-being ensure healthy life and promote well-being for all at all ages. contains the steps to take care of health in the daily life of a student and the advantages of taking care of health for a student in daily life along with a explanations. Among the steps to take care of health in a student's daily life is eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep and exercising every day. Finally, this video can teach all students to realise that health is an important thing that needs to be applied

Participant Name: Min Kaung Htet Ko Ko
Institution: USCI University
Category: Post - Secondary
Video Description:

My video addresses SDG 3 focusing on the health impact of high carbon dioxide concentrations while providing research-backed evidence. As a chemical engineer, I proposed a flexible wearable carbon dioxide nano-conductor sensor which I will explain more in the next video. I have shared tips to the general public to ensure open windows for ventillation, smoke away from living areas, and keep house plants for physiological and psychological benefits. Furthermore, I have asked the audience to contribute what they can to Malaysia’s sustainable targets (Paris Agreement) and to follow along and support students in STEM making a change.

Participant Name: Rahaditya Raisuli & Team
Institution: Taylor's University
Category: Post - Secondary
Video Description:

We began the video with a Vox Pop of students' thoughts on the Esha cyberbullying case which led to Esha's suicide. This the transitions towards discussing key steps in supporting friends who struggle with suicidal ideation. These key steps are involving other individuals (with the inclusion of a mental health hotline), respecting the sufferer's boundaries, and taking care of the caretaker's own mental health. The video concludes with tying back this information on supporting mental health with SDG 3: Good Health & Well-Being.

Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

Participant Name: Aishah Humaira Binti Jufitri & Team
Institution: SMKA Dato HJ Abi Hassan HJ Sail
Category: Secondary
Video Description:

Our video is telling about how to apply quality education in our school. there are three ways, firsly we can increase the supply of qualified teachers. Teachers are the most important person in education. Next our point is build and upgrade inclusive and safe schools, so then the students can feel safe and comfort to learning also make them feel happy to go school. lastly is expand higher education scholarship to help all types of student to get the quality education. not to forgot, in our video, we record the real situation in our school about how the quality education looks like.

Participant Name: Nurul Farhana Nazura Binti Fakhururazi & Team
Institution: SMK Gemas
Category: Secondary
Video Description:

Quality education is crucial in addressing child poverty. When children have access to a good education they are better equipped to break the cycle of poverty. Lack of quality education can lead to limited opportunities for children making it difficult for them to escape poverty. Factors such as inadequate school resources lack of qualified teachers and poor infrastructure can contribute to the lack of quality education for children living in poverty. By focusing on providing quality education to all children we can help alleviate child poverty and create a brighter future for the next generation.

Participant Name: Imran Bin Toriq & Team
Institution: Universiti Malaya
Category: Post - Secondary
Video Description:

This video highlights the issue of school dropouts in Malaysia, especially over 10,000 absentees in SPM2023. This issue relates to one of the targets under SDG4: Quality Education, i.e., ensuring all children complete Secondary Level to receive Quality Education. This ensures that future generations are equipped with hard and soft skills primarily attained through quality education. At the end of the video, we call for a discussion on the possible factors of school dropouts.

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

Participant Name: Nurdamia Fatma Raiysa Binti Abd Hamid & Team
Institution: SMK Aminuddin Baki
Category: Secondary
Video Description:

my video entry talking about gender inequality which focus on the favouritism between woman and men.

Participant Name: Anna Zahirah Binti Azmady
Institution: Kolej Yayasan Saad
Category: Secondary
Video Description:

The video explains about a specific issue in SDG 5 Gender Equality; domestic violence. The video spreads information about the issue in hopes of educating the public about it.

Participant Name: Mok Yoke Peng & Team
Institution:SMJK Convent Datuk Keramat
Category: Secondary
Video Description:

Our video entry focuses on #SDG5 - Gender Equality, aiming to end discrimination, violence, and harmful practices against women and girls. We interviewed community members from our school, asking three key questions about encountering stereotypes, opinions on traditional gender roles, and the significance of gender equality in Malaysia. Responses highlighted individual choices, the importance of rights, and equal opportunities for boys and girls. We concluded the video with the slogan: "A right, not a privilege! Equality!" and the hashtag #breakthebias, emphasizing the collective call to challenge and change gender biases.

Participant Name: Ang Xin Yu & Team
Institution:SMJK Convent Datuk Keramat
Category: Secondary
Video Description:

Malaysia ranked first in gender equality in educational accomplishment.However, Malaysia rank 102 in economic particapation. In today's ACP news we will be talking about gender equality.

Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all

Participant Name: Suvas Nair A/L Sreendaran & Team
Institution: SMK St Paul
Category: Secondary
Video Description:

We think that clean water is important to all living and non-living things on Earth. We should be grateful for such a wonderful creation by God, therefore we should protect our rivers and water from futher problems. Therefore, we used our video to spread awareness of Clean Water and Sanitation

Participant Name: Poh Yu Hern
Institution: Sunway College
Category: Post - Secondary
Video Description:

As the dams in kedah and bukit merah dam in perak has shown a decrease of water reserves down to a dangerous level of less than 20 percent. This video is made so that the people can know why it is important to save water and not waste them. We also used the hook imagine going to war just to shower, this is the metaphor that if one day our water reserves run dry and would we need to go to war to fight for water? The few methods to save water is short showers, turn the tap off when not in use and save rainwater.

Participant Name: Vedashrii Sai A/P Gopinath Rao & Team
Institution: SMK Aminuddin Baki
Category: Secondary
Video Description:

Our video dives into SDG 6, exploring the critical issue of clean water and sanitation. By 2030, millions could face water scarcity. But there's hope! Simple steps like shorter showers and fixing leaky faucets make a big difference. We also highlight the billions lacking proper sanitation. Building toilets and improving wastewater management are key to ensuring everyone's health and dignity by 2030. Remember, clean water isn't a luxury, it's a basic human right.

Participant Name: Frank Steave Steward Simeon & Team
Institution: SMJK Lok Yuk, Kudat
Category: Secondary
Video Description:

Air bersih dan sanitasi amatlah penting bagi meneruskan hidup.ianya memerlukan beberapa proses untuk menjadi selamat di minum

Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all

Participant Name: Dashzwyn A/L Gunasegaran & Team
Institution: Kolej Yayasan UEM (KYUEM)
Category: Post - Secondary
Video Description:

Sustainable Development Goal 7 (SDG 7) aims to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all. The primary cause of inadequate energy access include financial challenges making it difficult for families and businesses to adapt to these technologies. To address this issue, solutions include industries investing in better machineries and installing solar panel to enhance energy efficiency. Besides that, large scale urban development projects that are green and energy efficient could be funded by the government to promote sustainable development and reduce environmental impact in Malaysia.

Participant Name: Wan Arman Azfar Bin Wan Azra'in & Team
Institution: SMKA Dato HJ Abi Hassan HJ Sail
Category: Secondary
Video Description:

Our video is talking about SDG 7 affordable and clean energy or specifically renewable energy. We talk about the definition of renewable energy and its sources. We also mention about the benefits of renewable energy and its importances.

Participant Name:Royston Ku Zheng Yee
Institution: SMK Bandar Baru Sungai Long
Category: Secondary
Video Description:

This video discusses the problems faced by developing countries in the aspect of reliable and renewable energy. This video also discusses how we can do our part in solving the world's energy crisis and how popular video game companies also play their part in achieving this goal.

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

Participant Name: Jadon Ong Zhong Liang & Team
Institution: Sunway College
Category: Post - Secondary
Video Description:

Our video was a skit which highlighted exploitation and harassment in the workplace, which we did to shed light on SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic growth. We acted as different demographics such as a child, a woman and a migrant worker and showed how an unethical boss would exploit them. The video brings up a serious issue but portrays it in a humorous way to bring attention and spread information to the public on what is still happening in workplaces around the world.

Participant Name: Fatin Nuraqilah Binti Omri
Institution: Universiti Malaysia Sabah
Category: Post - Secondary
Video Description:

Introducing the audience to the issue of child labor in Malaysia and proposing strategies for government intervention.

Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

Participant Name: Pavinitha A/P Raman & Team
Institution: SMK Seri Bali
Category: Secondary
Video Description:

We explain about why sustainable innovation, infrastructure and industrialization is important and how businesses can adopt this goal ,why sustainable innovation,why developing countries lag behind.

Participant Name: Darrell Pan Li Ren & Team
Institution: Sri Desa International Secondary School
Category: Secondary
Video Description:

Our video is an introduction to the 9th SDG and our call to action, first highlighting the issues that areas with poor living conditions must deal with, then asking viewers to imagine a better world, where everyone has access to safe infrastructure - In hopes of creating a potential vision of a better life, to gather a crowd who are willing to help build this future. of which will be discussed in the second video.

Reduce inequality within and among countries

Participant Name: Izdihar Janna Binti Adzly & Team
Institution: Cerebral Palsy Malaysia - GAPS
Category: Secondary
Video Description:

My video talks about equality, inclusivity, and opportunities for disabled people. Many people don't get good schooling and fair jobs because of their gender, race or socioeconomic status. School is very important, but many kids can't go because some live far away or face rules that stop them. Some groups like people with disabilities and women are facing challenges when it comes to finding jobs. Our next step is to support programs and initiatives that ensure everyone receives the same support. We aim to bring awareness to this issue and play our part in changing the world for the better.

Participant Name: Arushee Puri
Institution: University of Nottingham Malaysia
Category: Post - Secondary
Video Description:

We highlight the challenges of racial discrimination in Malaysia and propose solutions to tackle the same. In a diverse country like Malaysia, racial discrimination is a common scenario leading to harmful and often ignored impacts. In our journey towards SDG10: Reduced Inequalities we encourage everyone to confront the reality of racial discrimination and realise that our strength lies in our unity.

Participant Name: Ling Chin Wei & Team
Institution: Kolej PERMATA@Pintar Negara, UKM
Category: Secondary
Video Description:

How is it like for people with disabilities (PWD) entering the workforce? We interviewed Senior Assistant of SMK Seri Ampang Special Education, Puan Noriza for her insight regarding this. They face discrimination during recruitment and are mostly underpaid. This causes financial burden to them and their families, widening the inequalities we're trying to reduce. We also interviewed Miss Catherine, Vocational Trainer at Daybreak, an organisation that strives to even the playing field. They provide training and job-match the PWDs as they deserve a fair chance to uphold their own livelihoods. Join us in our fight to BRIDGE THE GAP!

Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

Participant Name: Jocelyn Yeo Lee Ying & Team
Institution: SMK Convent Bukit Nanas
Category: Secondary
Video Description:

Hi we are from team GOALFISH. In our first video we delve into Malaysia's infrastructure, specifically the public transportation system, with the aim and hope to promote Sustainable Development Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities. Our primary objective is to shed light on the difficulties encountered by vulnerable groups and the general public when utilizing Malaysia's infrastructure and public transportation system. We believe that by understanding and addressing these challenges, we can contribute towards creating more inclusive and accessible urban environments.

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

Participant Name: Lexmen Palany & Team
Institution: SMK St Paul
Category: Secondary
Video Description:

Malaysia is facing an excessive food waste crisis and it demands immediate action. Our video highlights the amount of good food going to waste in Malaysia and how SDG #12 (Responsible Consumption and Production) is related and aims to combat this problem by stating 3 out of its 11 targets and indicators. In the video, we state 3 ways we, as normal citizens, can help solve this major issue one step at a time.

Participant Name: Preetiswarini Devi A/P Bubalan
Institution: SMK Taman Desa
Category: Secondary
Video Description:

Our video dives into the consequences of overconsumption and unsustainable living, shedding light on why SDG 12 was established. Discover the urgent need for responsible consumption and production through engaging visuals and true fun facts that reveal the hidden impact of our daily choices. This brief yet informative summary not only educates but also inspires viewers to take action for a sustainable future. Join us on this eye-opening journey and learn how you can make a difference!

Participant Name: Nadia Khadijah Binti Munir Mydin
Institution: Kolej Tuanku Ja’afar
Category: Secondary
Video Description:

With the rise of fast fashion and the desire to stay up-to-date with the trends, my video highlights the impacts of overconsumption leading to increased fabric waste in Malaysian landfills. It raises awareness on how we can be part of the solution by donating/recycling unwanted fabrics, shopping secondhand clothes/repurposing fabrics and rethinking our consumption habits. It also recognises social enterprises such as Kloth Malaysia who are playing a vital role in ensuring less fabrics end up in our landfills. Lastly, this video aims to inspire Malaysians to take action and learn more about Malaysia’s landfill crisis.

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

Participant Name: Vinotkumar A/L Shanmugam & Team
Institution: SMK St Paul
Category: Secondary
Video Description:

The SGD 13 video showcases global strides in climate action, featuring initiatives like renewable energy projects and grassroots sustainability campaigns. It highlights the consequences of climate change through visuals of reforestation, clean energy installations, and youth protests for policy reform. Emphasizing collaboration across borders and sectors, it urges viewers to act. The video aims to inspire optimism and rally support for achieving Sustainable Development Goal 13: Climate Action, showing how collective efforts can make a significant impact toward a sustainable future.

Participant Name: Lee Egan
Institution: Vitrox College
Category: Secondary
Video Description:

My video discuss about Goal 13 : Climate Actions. In my video, I explained the factors of climate change and what are the effects of climate change. I have also explained the contributing factors of carbon emissions in Malaysia. The main purpose of this video is to raise awareness about climate change and environmental issues happening currently. Besides, it is to motivate and encourage public to help reduce the severity of this issue.

Participant Name: Tew Jia Yu & Team
Institution: Universiti Malaya
Category: Post - Secondary
Video Description:

This video highlights the urgent need for climate action in Malaysia, focusing on the impacts of climate change such as floods, droughts, and rising temperatures. It showcases Malaysia's renewable energy projects and community efforts, emphasizing the role of youth in leading eco-friendly innovations. The video introduces SDG 13, particularly sub-target 13.2, which aims to integrate climate measures into national policies. It concludes with a call to action, encouraging viewers to stay tuned for the next video to learn how they can contribute to climate action.

Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development

Participant Name: Tay Pei En
Institution: Sri Desa International Secondary School
Category: Secondary
Video Description:

A short, entertaining video about the severity of plastic pollution in Malaysia’s waters, and how it can affect us, urging people to take this seriously.

Participant Name: Thanushiya A/P T Subramaniam
Institution: SMK Seri Bali
Category: Secondary
Video Description:

Conserve and sustainable use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. Pollution s and poor waste management are seriously damaging our ocean. In addition, 250,000 species home is ocean. We need to take care them.

Participant Name: Medina Zaharah Binti Onn
Institution: Homeschooled
Category: Secondary
Video Description:

My video celebrates Malaysia’s coral reefs by highlighting the integral roles they play in preserving our biodiversity, and in sustaining our coastal communities and local economies. However, I also explain challenges our corals are currently facing: such as fish bombing, ocean pollution and climate change. But there are viable courses of action: one being to engage with local NGOs dedicated to conserving Malaysia’s reefs. Another option is to educate both ourselves and our communities on efficient and effective methods of upcycling both our own waste, and the waste that pollutes our shores.

Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss

Participant Name: Chong Yuek Ferng
Institution: Manipal University College Malaysia
Category: Secondary
Video Description:

This video was created to promote the 15th UN SDG, Life on Land which focuses on the conservation of animals and ecosystem sustainability. Nowadays, most people ignore that zoo can adversely affect animals’ well-being since it has been a common educational site for centuries. Long-term captivity and forced interactions with humans destroy their brain structure and cause a mental illness called Zoochosis. This is inappropriate as animals are a part of the land ecosystem and deserve the freedom to contribute to the development of ecosystems. Therefore, the second video will focus on the alternatives to conserve animals and educate the public.

Participant Name: Nur Syaafiyah Iffah binti Shahrul Azman
Institution: Kolej Islam Sultan Alam Shah
Category: Secondary
Video Description:

We choose SDG15 as our topic, which is Life on Land. In the first clip, we ask the viewer if they had known about sdg to attract their attention. Then, we briefly explained about SDG, Sustainable Development Goals. Next, we explain about SDG15 and ways to preserve our biodiversity by acting some short clips. By doing this, the viewers could understand better on what they should do in order to achieve SDG15. Our aim is to let the world acknowledge more about this SDG15 and to make sure every individual play a good part in managing the ecosystem for a better lifestyle.

Participant Name: Ilias Chow Ke Yu & Team
Institution: Sri Desa International Secondary School
Category: Secondary
Video Description:

Our video is based around SDG 15: Life on Land, where we have a brief overview of what is occurring in the world regarding wildlife habitats and how it endangers its inhabitants. It also gives points on what viewers can do to help towards solving this issue.

Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels

Participant Name: Kaveeshaswary Thamilarasu & Team
Institution: Universiti Utara Malaysia
Category: Post - Secondary
Video Description:

Pretzels for Peace, dives into the measures governments are taking to combat cyberbullying, featuring insightful discussions with guest speakers on SDG 16, which emphasizes peace, justice, and strong institutions. This video not only highlights the voices of youth on building stronger communities to prevent cyberbullying but also examines effective mechanisms for creating safer online environments. It also delves into the history of cyberbullying cases in Malaysia, including the impactful and heartbreaking case of Esha. The goal is to raise awareness and promote actionable steps to address cyberbullying.

Participant Name: Aleeya Farhana Binti Abdullah & Team
Institution: SMK Gemas
Category: Secondary
Video Description:

Informations about cyber bullying and how it already took so many lives. PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS: CYBER BULLY Let's create a new world where everyone lives in peace and prosperity with SDG 16: PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS 🔊 Like and share this video to help improve the world so that no one would be hurt anymore ‼️🫰🏻

Participant Name: Gilven Masrey
Institution: SMK Pinggan-pinggan, Pitas
Category: Secondary
Video Description:

Video kami menceritakan tentang sdg 16 iaitu keamanan,keadilan dan institusi yang kuat.Video kami juga mencerita tentang isu penderaan kanak kanak.

Click on each SDG to view the showcased vidoes!

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SDG 1 – No Poverty: End poverty in all its forms everywhere

Participant Name: James Velanggani S/O Christopher

Institution: SMK Seri Bali

Category: Secondary

Video Description: The United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG): No Poverty defines poverty as a condition characterized by severe deprivation of basic human needs, improving food, water, sanitation, shelter, healthcare, education, and employment. People living in poverty are often unable to meet their basic needs and are at risk of disease, malnutrition, and violence. The No Poverty Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) aims to eradicate extreme poverty by 2030, which is defined as living on less than $1.90 per day.

Participant Name: See Rui Ping & Team

Institution: Sunway College

Category: Post – Secondary

Video Description: Raise awareness on poverty in Malaysia so that more people can get to know more about the issue and learn about the impacts on Malaysia’s citizens’ health, quality in life and education.

Participant Name: Chloe Teoh Sze Jenn & Team

Institution: SMK (P) Pudu

Category: Secondary

Video Description: My teammates and I try to spread the message of stopping poverty by talking about the percentage of Malaysians suffering poverty and how much it the percentage has grown over the years. We also talk about the cause of the major increase in poverty rate, which is the COVID19 pandemic we had faced few years back and also the high cost of living in this economy. We try to deliver the message that not everyone is as lucky as us, as we are living every second, the poverty rate continues to grow and it comes down to the poverty having no food or good and safe shelter to live with. At the end, we encourage people to try to have a change in attitude.

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SDG 2 – Zero Hunger : End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture

Participant Name: Khoo Lee Hui & Team

Institution: SMK Puchong Utama (1)

Category: Secondary

Video Description: Our video provides an in-depth exploration of SDG Goal 2: Zero Hunger, with a focus on raising awareness among Malaysians about this critical issue. We discuss about the factors contributing to the food crisis in Malaysia and offer practical solutions for individuals to help overcome these challenges. By highlighting the importance of food security and sharing actionable steps, our video aims to inspire positive change and greater involvement in achieving Zero Hunger in Malaysia.

Participant Name: Muhammad Faiz Bin Johari

Institution: SMK Seri Lalang

Category: Secondary

Video Description: Video yang menjelaskan sesuatu perkara yang memberi kesedaran kepada semua orang .

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SDG 3 – Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

Participant Name: Bahi Wafiah Binti Arulhaizal

Institution: SMK Subang

Category: Secondary

Video Description: My video introduces the audience to the SDG number 2: good health and well being by bringing awareness of the current health worries growing in the community especially the younger generation. By giving a sense of self conscious to someone, this allows them to realise how important it is to prioritise their health.

Participant Name: Muhammad Darwisy Bin Zaidi & Team

Institution: SMK Seri Lalang

Category: Secondary

Video Description: This video tells about sustainable development goals 3 Good health and well-being ensure healthy life and promote well-being for all at all ages. contains the steps to take care of health in the daily life of a student and the advantages of taking care of health for a student in daily life along with a explanations. Among the steps to take care of health in a student’s daily life is eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep and exercising every day. Finally, this video can teach all students to realise that health is an important thing that needs to be applied

Participant Name: Min Kaung Htet Ko Ko

Institution: UCSI University

Category: Post – Secondary

Video Description: My video addresses SDG 3 focusing on the health impact of high carbon dioxide concentrations while providing research-backed evidence. As a chemical engineer, I proposed a flexible wearable carbon dioxide nano-conductor sensor which I will explain more in the next video. I have shared tips to the general public to ensure open windows for ventillation, smoke away from living areas, and keep house plants for physiological and psychological benefits. Furthermore, I have asked the audience to contribute what they can to Malaysia’s sustainable targets (Paris Agreement) and to follow along and support students in STEM making a change.

Participant Name: Rahaditya Raisuli & Team

Institution: Taylor’s University

Category: Post – Secondary

Video Description: We began the video with a Vox Pop of students’ thoughts on the Esha cyberbullying case which led to Esha’s suicide. This the transitions towards discussing key steps in supporting friends who struggle with suicidal ideation. These key steps are involving other individuals (with the inclusion of a mental health hotline), respecting the sufferer’s boundaries, and taking care of the caretaker’s own mental health. The video concludes with tying back this information on supporting mental health with SDG 3: Good Health & Well-Being.

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SDG 4 – Quality Education : Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

Participant Name: Aishah Humaira Binti Jufitri & Team

Institution: SMKA Dato HJ Abi Hassan HJ Sail

Category: Secondary

Video Description: Our video is telling about how to apply quality education in our school. there are three ways, firsly we can increase the supply of qualified teachers. Teachers are the most important person in education. Next our point is build and upgrade inclusive and safe schools, so then the students can feel safe and comfort to learning also make them feel happy to go school. lastly is expand higher education scholarship to help all types of student to get the quality education. not to forgot, in our video, we record the real situation in our school about how the quality education looks like.

Participant Name: Nurul Farhana Nazura Binti Fakhururazi & Team

Institution: SMK Gemas

Category: Secondary

Video Description: Quality education is crucial in addressing child poverty. When children have access to a good education they are better equipped to break the cycle of poverty. Lack of quality education can lead to limited opportunities for children making it difficult for them to escape poverty. Factors such as inadequate school resources lack of qualified teachers and poor infrastructure can contribute to the lack of quality education for children living in poverty. By focusing on providing quality education to all children we can help alleviate child poverty and create a brighter future for the next generation.

Participant Name: Imran Bin Toriq & Team

Institution: Universiti Malaya

Category: Post – Secondary

Video Description: This video highlights the issue of school dropouts in Malaysia, especially over 10,000 absentees in SPM2023. This issue relates to one of the targets under SDG4: Quality Education, i.e., ensuring all children complete Secondary Level to receive Quality Education. This ensures that future generations are equipped with hard and soft skills primarily attained through quality education. At the end of the video, we call for a discussion on the possible factors of school dropouts.

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SDG 5 – Gender Equality : Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

Participant Name: Nurdamia Fatma Raiysa Binti Abd Hamid & Team

Institution: SMK Aminuddin Baki

Category: Secondary

Video Description: my video entry talking about gender inequality which focus on the favouritism between woman and men.

Participant Name: Anna Zahirah Binti Azmady

Institution: Kolej Yayasan Saad

Category: Secondary

Video Description: The video explains about a specific issue in SDG 5 Gender Equality; domestic violence. The video spreads information about the issue in hopes of educating the public about it.

Participant Name: Mok Yoke Peng & Team

Institution: SMJK Convent Datuk Keramat

Category: Secondary

Video Description: Our video entry focuses on #SDG5 – Gender Equality, aiming to end discrimination, violence, and harmful practices against women and girls. We interviewed community members from our school, asking three key questions about encountering stereotypes, opinions on traditional gender roles, and the significance of gender equality in Malaysia. Responses highlighted individual choices, the importance of rights, and equal opportunities for boys and girls. We concluded the video with the slogan: “A right, not a privilege! Equality!” and the hashtag #breakthebias, emphasizing the collective call to challenge and change gender biases.

Participant Name: Ang Xin Yu & Team

Institution: SMJK Convent Datuk Keramat

Category: Secondary

Video Description: Malaysia ranked first in gender equality in educational accomplishment.However, Malaysia rank 102 in economic particapation. In today’s ACP news we will be talking about gender equality.

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SDG 6 – Clean Water and Sanitation : Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all

Participant Name: Suvas Nair A/L Sreendaran & Team

Institution: SMK St Paul

Category: Secondary

Video Description: We think that clean water is important to all living and non-living things on Earth. We should be grateful for such a wonderful creation by God, therefore we should protect our rivers and water from futher problems. Therefore, we used our video to spread awareness of Clean Water and Sanitation

Participant Name: Poh Yu Hern

Institution: Sunway College

Category: Post – Secondary

Video Description: As the dams in kedah and bukit merah dam in perak has shown a decrease of water reserves down to a dangerous level of less than 20 percent. This video is made so that the people can know why it is important to save water and not waste them. We also used the hook imagine going to war just to shower, this is the metaphor that if one day our water reserves run dry and would we need to go to war to fight for water? The few methods to save water is short showers, turn the tap off when not in use and save rainwater.

Participant Name: Vedashrii Sai A/P Gopinath Rao & Team

Institution: SMK Aminuddin Baki

Category: Secondary

Video Description: Our video dives into SDG 6, exploring the critical issue of clean water and sanitation. By 2030, millions could face water scarcity. But there’s hope! Simple steps like shorter showers and fixing leaky faucets make a big difference. We also highlight the billions lacking proper sanitation. Building toilets and improving wastewater management are key to ensuring everyone’s health and dignity by 2030. Remember, clean water isn’t a luxury, it’s a basic human right.

Participant Name: Frank Steave Steward Simeon & Team

Institution: SMJK Lok Yuk, Kudat

Category: Secondary

Video Description: Air bersih dan sanitasi amatlah penting bagi meneruskan hidup.ianya memerlukan beberapa proses untuk menjadi selamat di minum

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SDG 7 – Affordable and Clean Energy : Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all

Participant Name: Dashzwyn A/L Gunasegaran & Team

Institution: Kolej Yayasan UEM (KYUEM)

Category: Post – Secondary

Video Description: Sustainable Development Goal 7 (SDG 7) aims to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all. The primary cause of inadequate energy access include financial challenges making it difficult for families and businesses to adapt to these technologies. To address this issue, solutions include industries investing in better machineries and installing solar panel to enhance energy efficiency. Besides that, large scale urban development projects that are green and energy efficient could be funded by the government to promote sustainable development and reduce environmental impact in Malaysia.

Participant Name: Wan Arman Azfar Bin Wan Azra’in & Team

Institution: SMKA Dato HJ Abi Hassan HJ Sail

Category: Secondary

Video Description: Our video is talking about SDG 7 affordable and clean energy or specifically renewable energy. We talk about the definition of renewable energy and its sources. We also mention about the benefits of renewable energy and its importances.

Participant Name: Royston Ku Zheng Yee

Institution: SMK Bandar Baru Sungai Long

Category: Secondary

Video Description: This video discusses the problems faced by developing countries in the aspect of reliable and renewable energy. This video also discusses how we can do our part in solving the world’s energy crisis and how popular video game companies also play their part in achieving this goal.

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SDG 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth : Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

Participant Name: Jadon Ong Zhong Liang & Team

Institution: Sunway College

Category: Post – Secondary

Video Description: Our video was a skit which highlighted exploitation and harassment in the workplace, which we did to shed light on SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic growth. We acted as different demographics such as a child, a woman and a migrant worker and showed how an unethical boss would exploit them. The video brings up a serious issue but portrays it in a humorous way to bring attention and spread information to the public on what is still happening in workplaces around the world.

Participant Name: Fatin Nuraqilah Binti Omri

Institution: Universiti Malaysia Sabah

Category: Post – Secondary

Video Description: Introducing the audience to the issue of child labor in Malaysia and proposing strategies for government intervention.

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SDG 9 – Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

Participant Name: Pavinitha A/P Raman & Team

Institution: SMK Seri Bali

Category: Secondary

Video Description: We explain about why sustainable innovation, infrastructure and industrialization is important and how businesses can adopt this goal ,why sustainable innovation,why developing countries lag behind.

Participant Name: Darrell Pan Li Ren & Team

Institution: Sri Desa International Secondary School

Category: Secondary

Video Description: Our video is an introduction to the 9th SDG and our call to action, first highlighting the issues that areas with poor living conditions must deal with, then asking viewers to imagine a better world, where everyone has access to safe infrastructure – In hopes of creating a potential vision of a better life, to gather a crowd who are willing to help build this future….how of which will be discussed in the second video.

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SDG 10 – Reduced Inequalities : Reduce inequality within and among countries

Participant Name: Izdihar Janna Binti Adzly & Team

Institution: Cerebral Palsy Malaysia – GAPS

Category: Secondary

Video Description: My video talks about equality, inclusivity, and opportunities for disabled people. Many people don’t get good schooling and fair jobs because of their gender, race or socioeconomic status. School is very important, but many kids can’t go because some live far away or face rules that stop them. Some groups like people with disabilities and women are facing challenges when it comes to finding jobs. Our next step is to support programs and initiatives that ensure everyone receives the same support. We aim to bring awareness to this issue and play our part in changing the world for the better.

Participant Name: Arushee Puri

Institution: University of Nottingham Malaysia

Category: Post – Secondary

Video Description: We highlight the challenges of racial discrimination in Malaysia and propose solutions to tackle the same. In a diverse country like Malaysia, racial discrimination is a common scenario leading to harmful and often ignored impacts. In our journey towards SDG10: Reduced Inequalities we encourage everyone to confront the reality of racial discrimination and realise that our strength lies in our unity.

Participant Name: Ling Chin Wei & Team

Institution: Kolej PERMATA@Pintar Negara, UKM

Category: Secondary

Video Description: How is it like for people with disabilities (PWD) entering the workforce? We interviewed Senior Assistant of SMK Seri Ampang Special Education, Puan Noriza for her insight regarding this. They face discrimination during recruitment and are mostly underpaid. This causes financial burden to them and their families, widening the inequalities we’re trying to reduce. We also interviewed Miss Catherine, Vocational Trainer at Daybreak, an organisation that strives to even the playing field. They provide training and job-match the PWDs as they deserve a fair chance to uphold their own livelihoods. Join us in our fight to BRIDGE THE GAP!

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SDG 11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities : Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

Participant Name: Jocelyn Yeo Lee Ying & Team

Institution: SMK Convent Bukit Nanas

Category: Secondary

Video Description: Hi we are from team GOALFISH. In our first video we delve into Malaysia’s infrastructure, specifically the public transportation system, with the aim and hope to promote Sustainable Development Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities. Our primary objective is to shed light on the difficulties encountered by vulnerable groups and the general public when utilizing Malaysia’s infrastructure and public transportation system. We believe that by understanding and addressing these challenges, we can contribute towards creating more inclusive and accessible urban environments.

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SDG 12 -Responsible Consumption and Production : Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

Participant Name: Lexmen Palany & Team

Institution: SMK St Paul

Category: Secondary

Video Description: Malaysia is facing an excessive food waste crisis and it demands immediate action. Our video highlights the amount of good food going to waste in Malaysia and how SDG #12 (Responsible Consumption and Production) is related and aims to combat this problem by stating 3 out of its 11 targets and indicators. In the video, we state 3 ways we, as normal citizens, can help solve this major issue one step at a time.

Participant Name: Preetiswarini Devi A/P Bubalan

Institution: SMK Taman Desa

Category: Secondary

Video Description: Our video dives into the consequences of overconsumption and unsustainable living, shedding light on why SDG 12 was established. Discover the urgent need for responsible consumption and production through engaging visuals and true fun facts that reveal the hidden impact of our daily choices. This brief yet informative summary not only educates but also inspires viewers to take action for a sustainable future. Join us on this eye-opening journey and learn how you can make a difference!

Participant Name: Nadia Khadijah Binti Munir Mydin

Institution: Kolej Tuanku Ja’afar

Category: Secondary

Video Description: With the rise of fast fashion and the desire to stay up-to-date with the trends, my video highlights the impacts of overconsumption leading to increased fabric waste in Malaysian landfills. It raises awareness on how we can be part of the solution by donating/recycling unwanted fabrics, shopping secondhand clothes/repurposing fabrics and rethinking our consumption habits. It also recognises social enterprises such as Kloth Malaysia who are playing a vital role in ensuring less fabrics end up in our landfills. Lastly, this video aims to inspire Malaysians to take action and learn more about Malaysia’s landfill crisis.

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SDG 13 – Climate Action : Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

Participant Name: Vinotkumar A/L Shanmugam & Team

Institution: SMK St Paul

Category: Secondary

Video Description: The SGD 13 video showcases global strides in climate action, featuring initiatives like renewable energy projects and grassroots sustainability campaigns. It highlights the consequences of climate change through visuals of reforestation, clean energy installations, and youth protests for policy reform. Emphasizing collaboration across borders and sectors, it urges viewers to act. The video aims to inspire optimism and rally support for achieving Sustainable Development Goal 13: Climate Action, showing how collective efforts can make a significant impact toward a sustainable future.

Participant Name: Lee Egan

Institution: Vitrox College

Category: Secondary

Video Description: My video discuss about Goal 13 : Climate Actions. In my video, I explained the factors of climate change and what are the effects of climate change. I have also explained the contributing factors of carbon emissions in Malaysia. The main purpose of this video is to raise awareness about climate change and environmental issues happening currently. Besides, it is to motivate and encourage public to help reduce the severity of this issue.

Participant Name: Tew Jia Yu & Team

Institution: Universiti Malaya

Category: Post – Secondary

Video Description: This video highlights the urgent need for climate action in Malaysia, focusing on the impacts of climate change such as floods, droughts, and rising temperatures. It showcases Malaysia’s renewable energy projects and community efforts, emphasizing the role of youth in leading eco-friendly innovations. The video introduces SDG 13, particularly sub-target 13.2, which aims to integrate climate measures into national policies. It concludes with a call to action, encouraging viewers to stay tuned for the next video to learn how they can contribute to climate action.

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SDG 14 – Life Below Water : Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development

Participant Name: Tay Pei En

Institution: Sri Desa International Secondary School

Category: Secondary

Video Description: A short, entertaining video about the severity of plastic pollution in Malaysia’s waters, and how it can affect us, urging people to take this seriously.

Participant Name: Thanushiya A/P T Subramaniam

Institution: SMK Seri Bali

Category: Secondary

Video Description: Conserve and sustainable use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. Pollution s and poor waste management are seriously damaging our ocean. In addition, 250,000 species home is ocean. We need to take care them.

Participant Name: Medina Zaharah Binti Onn

Institution: Homeschooled

Category: Secondary

Video Description: My video celebrates Malaysia’s coral reefs by highlighting the integral roles they play in preserving our biodiversity, and in sustaining our coastal communities and local economies. However, I also explain challenges our corals are currently facing: such as fish bombing, ocean pollution and climate change. But there are viable courses of action: one being to engage with local NGOs dedicated to conserving Malaysia’s reefs. Another option is to educate both ourselves and our communities on efficient and effective methods of upcycling both our own waste, and the waste that pollutes our shores.

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SDG 15 – Life on Land : Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss

Participant Name: Chong Yuek Ferng

Institution: Manipal University College Malaysia

Category: Secondary

Video Description: This video was created to promote the 15th UN SDG, Life on Land which focuses on the conservation of animals and ecosystem sustainability. Nowadays, most people ignore that zoo can adversely affect animals’ well-being since it has been a common educational site for centuries. Long-term captivity and forced interactions with humans destroy their brain structure and cause a mental illness called Zoochosis. This is inappropriate as animals are a part of the land ecosystem and deserve the freedom to contribute to the development of ecosystems. Therefore, the second video will focus on the alternatives to conserve animals and educate the public.

Participant Name: Nur Syaafiyah Iffah binti Shahrul Azman

Institution: Kolej Islam Sultan Alam Shah

Category: Secondary


Video Description: We choose SDG15 as our topic, which is Life on Land. In the first clip, we ask the viewer if they had known about sdg to attract their attention. Then, we briefly explained about SDG, Sustainable Development Goals. Next, we explain about SDG15 and ways to preserve our biodiversity by acting some short clips. By doing this, the viewers could understand better on what they should do in order to achieve SDG15. Our aim is to let the world acknowledge more about this SDG15 and to make sure every individual play a good part in managing the ecosystem for a better lifestyle.

Participant Name: Ilias Chow Ke Yu & Team

Institution: Sri Desa International Secondary School

Category: Secondary

Video Description: Our video is based around SDG 15: Life on Land, where we have a brief overview of what is occurring in the world regarding wildlife habitats and how it endangers its inhabitants. It also gives points on what viewers can do to help towards solving this issue.

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SDG 16 -Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions : Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels

Participant Name: Kaveeshaswary Thamilarasu & Team

Institution: Universiti Utara Malaysia

Category: Post – Secondary

Video Description: Pretzels for Peace, dives into the measures governments are taking to combat cyberbullying, featuring insightful discussions with guest speakers on SDG 16, which emphasizes peace, justice, and strong institutions. This video not only highlights the voices of youth on building stronger communities to prevent cyberbullying but also examines effective mechanisms for creating safer online environments. It also delves into the history of cyberbullying cases in Malaysia, including the impactful and heartbreaking case of Esha. The goal is to raise awareness and promote actionable steps to address cyberbullying.

Participant Name: Aleeya Farhana Binti Abdullah & Team

Institution: SMK Gemas

Category: Secondary

Video Description: Informations about cyber bullying and how it already took so many lives. PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS: CYBER BULLY Let’s create a new world where everyone lives in peace and prosperity with SDG 16: PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS 🔊 Like and share this video to help improve the world so that no one would be hurt anymore ‼️🫰🏻

Participant Name: Gilven Masrey

Institution: SMK Pinggan-pinggan, Pitas

Category: Secondary

Video Description: Video kami menceritakan tentang sdg 16 iaitu keamanan,keadilan dan institusi yang kuat.Video kami juga mencerita tentang isu penderaan kanak kanak.

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